Why integrate (0, x) # 0 ?

Hi Aleksas.

It seems to me that you are trying to solve a differential equation.

Have a look at chapter 21 : Differential Equations

Maybe ode2 is what you want.

(%i1) ode2('diff(y(x),x) = 0, y(x), x);
(%o1)                              y(x) = %c

Hope that helps
Volker van Nek

2012/3/29 Aleksas Domarkas <aleksasd873 at gmail.com>

> (%i1) integrate(diff(y(x),x)=0,x);
> (%o1) y(x)=%c1+integrate(0,x)
>  Why integrate (0, x) # 0 ?
> (%i2) integrate('diff(y,x)=0,x);
> (%o2) integrate('diff(y,x,1),x)=%c2+integrate(0,x)
> (%i3) ev(%, nouns);
> (%o3) 0=%c2
>  Why integrate('diff(y,x),x) =0  ?
> (%i4) depends(y,x);
> (%o4) [y(x)]
> (%i5) integrate(diff(y,x)=0,x);
> (%o5) integrate('diff(y,x,1),x)=%c3+integrate(0,x)
> (%i6) ev(%, nouns);
> (%o6) integrate('diff(y,x,1),x)=%c3
>  Why integrate(diff(y,x),x) # y  ?   if depends(y,x)
>  A good result is obtained only in this case:
> (%i7) integrate(diff(y(x),x),x);
> (%o7) y(x)
> Aleksas D
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