Maxima 5.27.0 tagged in Git & posted to SF

Thanks for posting that 5.27 is available separate from sourceforge.

I googled a little bit and found

which contains maxima-5.27.0.tar.gz

In addition I found 5.27.0-deb-files in debian sid and installed all of
them on my Ubuntu.

The debian version is precompiled with gcl and the testsuite runs without
error, info and html doc seem to work.

Volker van Nek

2012/4/5 Andrey G. Grozin <A.G.Grozin at>

> maxima-5.27.0 is in Gentoo. Testsuite full times on my 32-bit x86 box
> (seconds) and failed tests are:
> sbcl-1.0.55    166
> cmucl-20c      181
> gcl-2.6.8_pre  184
> clozurecl-1.8  253  rtest15 (37, 193, 196)
> ecl-12.2.1     345  rtest8.mac (126, 127)
> clisp-2.49     569
> Details of failed tests:
> clozurecl:
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**----
> ********************** Problem 37 ***************
> Input:
>    2         2 - %pi
>  sin (3 a) sin (----- + a + b)
>                  3
> (-----------------------------
>            2     %pi
>         sin (a - ---)
>                   3
>                                - %pi
>   2 sin(a) sin(3 a) cos(b) sin(----- + a + b) sin(3 a + 3 b)
>                                  3
>  - ------------------------------**----------------------------
>                            %pi
>                    sin(a - ---) sin(a + b)
>                             3
>      2       2
>   sin (a) sin (3 a + 3 b)
>  + -----------------------, result : trigrat(%%),
>            2
>         sin (a + b)
> expected : (- (- 9 + 10 cos(2 a) - 2 sqrt(3) sin(2 a) - cos(4 a)
>  + sqrt(3) sin(4 a) + 10 cos(2 b) - 2 sqrt(3) sin(2 b) - cos(4 b)
>  + sqrt(3) sin(4 b) - 4 cos(2 b - 2 a) - 8 cos(2 a + 2 b)
>  + 4 sqrt(3) sin(2 a + 2 b) + 2 cos(4 a + 2 b) - 2 sqrt(3) sin(4 a + 2 b)
>  + 2 cos(2 a + 4 b) - 2 sqrt(3) sin(2 a + 4 b) - cos(4 a + 4 b)
>  + sqrt(3) sin(4 a + 4 b)))/4, ratsimp(result - expected))
> Result:
> Polynomial quotient is not exact
> error-catch
> This differed from the expected result:
> 0
> ********************** Problem 193 ***************
> Input:
>               2
>              t  log(t)
> integrate(-----------------, t, 0, 1)
>            2            4
>          (t  - 1) (1 + t )
> Result:
>                   2
>  (sqrt(2) - 2) %pi
> - ------------------
>          32
> This differed from the expected result:
>                 2
> (sqrt(2) - 1) %pi
> ------------------
>        9/2
>       2
> ********************** Problem 196 ***************
> Input:
>                                        1
> factor(expand(sqrtdenest(**integrate(------------, x, 0, 1))))
>                                   1          4
>                                   - + (x - 3)
>                                   2
>                                    3/4      9/4
>                    73 + sqrt(2) + 2    - 3 2
>  - factor((- (- log(--------------------------**--)
>                                 33
>                       3/4      9/4              3/4    5/2    13/4
>       73 + sqrt(2) - 2    + 3 2              - 2    + 2    - 2
>  + log(--------------------------**--) + 2 atan(---------------------)
>                    33                                3/4    13/4
>                                                98 + 2    - 2
>           3/4    5/2    13/4
>          2    + 2    + 2         7/4
>  + 2 atan(-------------------)))/2   )
>                  3/4    13/4
>          - 98 + 2    - 2
> Result:
>         13/4    5/2    3/4              13/4    5/2    3/4
>        2     + 2    + 2              - 2     + 2    - 2
> (2 atan(-------------------) + 2 atan(---------------------)
>           13/4    3/4                    13/4    3/4
>        - 2     + 2    - 98            - 2     + 2    + 98
>          9/4    3/4                            9/4    3/4
>       3 2    - 2    + sqrt(2) + 73        - 3 2    + 2    + sqrt(2) + 73
>  + log(--------------------------**--) - log(--------------------------**
> ----))
>                    33                                   33
>                9/4    3/4
>  7/4        3 2    - 2    + sqrt(2) + 73
> /2    - (log(-------------------------**---)
>                          33
>            9/4    3/4
>       - 3 2    + 2    + sqrt(2) + 73
>  - log(--------------------------**----) - 2
>                     33
>          3/4                      1/4
>      79 2    + 365 sqrt(2) + 877 2    + 5
>  atan(-------------------------**-----------)
>                     10657
>                3/4                      1/4
>          - 79 2    + 365 sqrt(2) - 877 2    + 5    7/4
>  + 2 atan(-------------------------**-------------))/2
>                          10657
> This differed from the expected result:
> 0
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**----
> ecl:
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**----
> ********************** Problem 126 ***************
> Input:
>                 1                                       2
> (f : diff(----------------, a), g : quad_qags(f b (1 - b) , b, 0, 1) ,
>                 2                                                  1
>          (a - b)  + 1 + 1
>                                                     find_root(g = 0, a, 0,
> 1))
> Result:
>                                         2
>                                2 (1 - b)  (a - b) b
> find_root(subscript(quad_qags(**- --------------------, b, 0, 1, epsrel =
> 1.e-8,
>                                          2     2
>                                  ((a - b)  + 2)
>               epsabs = 0.0, limit = 200), 1) = 0, a, .3980373668760611,
> 0.375)
> This differed from the expected result:
> .3978613590133817
> ********************** Problem 127 ***************
> Input:
>                 1                                       2
> (f : diff(----------------, a), g : quad_qags(f b (1 - b) , b, 0, 1) ,
>                 2                                                  1
>          (a - b)  + 1 + 1
>                                                     find_root(g = 0, a, 0,
> 1))
> Result:
>                               2
>                      2 (1 - b)  (a - b) b
> find_root(quad_qags(- --------------------, b, 0, 1)  = 0, a,
>                                2     2
>                        ((a - b)  + 2)
>                                                    1
>                                                      .3980373668760611,
> 0.375)
> This differed from the expected result:
> .3978613590133817
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**----
> Andrey
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