Maxima 5.27.0 tagged in Git & posted to SF

On Thu, 5 Apr 2012, Andrey G. Grozin wrote:
> maxima-5.27.0 is in Gentoo. Testsuite full times on my 32-bit x86 box 
> (seconds) and failed tests are:
> sbcl-1.0.55    166
> cmucl-20c      181
> gcl-2.6.8_pre  184
> clozurecl-1.8  253  rtest15 (37, 193, 196)
> ecl-12.2.1     345  rtest8.mac (126, 127)
> clisp-2.49     569

gcl-2.6.8_pre  163
ecl-12.7.1     334  rtest8.mac (126, 127)

gcl - cvs snapshot of today; it's again the fastest.
ecl-12.7.1 became faster, the same two failures.
