Some advice on the maxima

On 05/19/2012 10:57 AM, ?? wrote:
> I've beening puzzled with the function definition of the "plotxd" 
> interface of maxima.
> for example :
> plot2d ( [sin(x), [discrete, vx, vy],[parametric, 10 + 3 * sin(2*t), 2 
> + 2 * cos(3*t), [t, 0, 2*%pi]]],[x, 0, 15]);
> It's correct, but the definition of the continuous function "sin(x)" is not consistent with the that of the "discrete" data sets as well as the "parametric" function. Why not the above code be writen as the following form:
> plot2d ([[sin(x), [x, 0, 15]],[discrete, vx, vy],[parametric, 10 + 3 * sin(2*t), 2 + 2 * cos(3*t), [t, 0, 2*%pi]]]);
> this form is clean and all the definition of function is consistent.
The options [x,...] and [y,...] are meant to define the plot window, not 
the domain of the functions. Consider the
following example:

plot2d([sin(x), [discrete,[-1,1,10,16],[-1,-0.5,1,1.5]],
     [parametric, 10 + 3 * sin(2*t), 2 + 2 * cos(3*t), [t, 0, 2*%pi]]],
     [x,0,15], [y,-1,2]);

Here the set of discrete points and the parametric function extend 
beyond the domain [x,0,15], [y,-1,2] but we just
want to show the part that falls within that region. I see your proposed 
syntax not as an amendment to the current
one but as a request for an extra feature which is not currently 
