On 05/21/2012 11:45 AM, Sara Pashmineh wrote:
> Hello,
> I tried to use the command: appendfile (filename) for exporting data
> from Maxima simulation which I want to use, calculate and plot with
> another application tools like Excel or Matlab.
> Unfortunately I can not open the crated file in Matlab or Excel.
> Has anybody an idea, how I could export data from Maxima and import it
> in Excel, Matlab or another application tools?
> Many thanks in advance,
> Sara
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"appendfile" is definitely not want you want, because you want to pass
your data
rather than a transcript of your Maxima session.
What you need is to save your data in a format that could be imported to
the other
I do not use any proprietary software, but I can show you how I would
export data
to "LibreOffice Calc", which is a free spread-sheet program. Here is an
example in
with_stdout ("squares.csv", for i thru 10 do print( i, ",", i^2))$
this creates a file named squares.csv in my current directory, with a
table of the squares
of the first 10 natural numbers. The extension csv stands for "Comma
Separated Values"
and it is a format than can be understood by many numerical programs.
I can then open that file with LibreOffice Calc. A dialog box appears
which lets me specify
the column separator that I used (","). I might be able to use other
column separators
(blank spaces, semicolon, etc) depending on the application you use.