Subject: Generalized Lambert W function - premature commit
From: Barton Willis
Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 11:38:57 +0000
I did some work on merging the specfun generalized lambert code with my code--no particular problems doing that.
But I noticed:
With GCL (OK, I think)
(%i73) generalized_lambert_w(-1,float(-1/%e)-0.0000000001);
(%o73) -2.3316436928788765*10^-5*%i-0.99999999981878
With either SBCL or 64 bit CCL (not so good?)
(%i17) generalized_lambert_w(-1,float(-1/%e)-0.0000000001);
lambert-w-k did not converge
(%i2) generalized_lambert_w(-1,float(-1/%e)+0.000001); /* only tested with CCL */
lambert-w-k did not converge
(%i3) generalized_lambert_w(-1,float(-1/%e)+0.0001);
(%o3) - 1.023499619082082