Problem by running

This means that Maxima has run out of memory.

You might be able to solve your problem using your current method, but with
more memory, but (as Robert says) that is not common.

It is more likely that the method you are using will not succeed even with
10x or 100x more memory.  Running out of memory is often a symptom of an
infinite loop of some kind, of a grossly inefficient way of solving a
problem, or of a solution which is inherently huge.

If the solution is inherently huge, ask yourself: suppose Maxima could
calculate the solution to my problem, and it was a 100-page mathematical
expression.  How would that help me solve my original problem?  If the
answer is: I could then substitute numerical values for parameters, perhaps
it would be better to use a numerical method (which might also give better

In any case, we can't help much without knowing what your code looks like.
 Can you provide a minimal reproducible example?  "Minimal" means that you
only include enough material to cause the problem.  "Reproducible" means
that someone other than you can cause the problem to occur starting from a
new Maxima session.  Creating a good minimal reproducible example may take
some time, but often, by trying to create it, you get more insight into the
cause of the problem yourself and can fix it yourself.


On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 9:16 AM, Sara Pashmineh <sarapashm at>wrote:

> Hello,
> by running of my maxima codes I got the following message:
> "
> Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
>  Error in PROGN [or a callee]: The storage for CONS is exhausted.
> Currently, 58713 pages are allocated.
> Use ALLOCATE to expand the space.
> Automatically continuing.
> To enable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
> "
> I don't know, how I can use ALLOCATE.
> I would be thankful for any tip.
> Best regards
> Sara
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