Problem by running

On 2012-05-31, Sara Pashmineh <sarapashm at> wrote:

> I am using Maxima on both Windows and Unix.
> But the error message is from Windows. Could you please explain me how
> can I recompile Maxima via the Lisp program ASDF.

Well, if you have an existing installation with some Lisp other than
GCL, you can save yourself a lot of time and trouble by just going ahead
and doing so. The steps below are simply a way to get a non-GCL Maxima
running. If you already have such a thing, you can save yourself the

Assuming you really must run the program on Windows:
(Please note this is probably going to leave stuff unusable, namely the
help system, maybe plotting, maybe other stuff. I may have omitted some
steps inadvertently.)

(1) install Clozure CL (

(2) obtain Maxima source code

I believe the Windows installation package has all the source code. If
so, you don't need to obtain another package. For the record, the source
code is distributed as tar.gz files in the Sourceforge file manager.

(3) rebuild via ASDF

In a command window, cd to the Maxima source code folder.
Launch Clozure CL. In CCL:

  (require 'asdf)
  (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :maxima)

(4) launch Maxima

If the previous step runs to completion, then:


should bring up a Maxima prompt.

Bad news is you will have to repeat the ASDF stuff and (CL-USER::RUN)
every time you want to run Maxima (although the source will be compiled
just once).

See also INSTALL.lisp which presents a different way to build Maxima.;a=tree

Hope this helps.

Robert Dodier