
"I don't know what your simp_given function looks like, but

(%i27) ctsp(expr,x,c) := limit(expr, x, c, plus) - limit(expr, x, c, minus);
(%o27) ctsp(expr, x, c) := limit(expr, x, c, plus) - limit(expr, x, c, 
(%i28) ctsp(x^2*signum(x-4), x, c);
                       2                          2
(%o28)        limit   x  signum(x - 4) - limit   x  signum(x - 4)
              x -> c+                    x -> c-

However, of course:

(%i29) ctsp(u^2*signum(u-4), x, c);
(%o29)                                 0

Could you have a problem with what the dummy variable is or something?"

I forgot to say kill(all).  pw.mac was loaded, it changes the answer for 
some reason.  If I start with kill(all) then I get what you get. I don't 
know why, maybe because of diff and integrate being modified by pw.mac or 
abs_integrate.mac.  Does limit ever call integrate or diff?  Either way this 
method does not work.


simp_given(e, [fcts]) ::=  buildq([e,fcts], block([_ans], 
unwind_protect((_ans:apply(assume, fcts), expand(e,0,0)), 