I don't know about other issues, but your simp_given won't work right if
some of the assumptions are redundant. You should use the context
mechanism, as Barton now is (see mail below).
I've also encouraged him to rewrite his simp_assuming and with_assumptions
functions using contexts.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Barton Willis <willisb at>
Date: Wed, May 16, 2012 at 1:57 PM
Subject: context based version of abs_integrate--no more
To: "maxima at" <maxima at>
I committed a new version of abs_integrate that uses contexts instead of
the buggy simp_assuming macro. The new code doesn't have a general purpose
with_assumptions function (or macro) replacement for simp_assuming.
The new version also fixes some other bugs (rtest_abs_integrate bugs 148
and 149).
Maxima mailing list
Maxima at
On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 6:13 PM, Richard Hennessy
<rich.hennessy at>wrote:
> "I don't know what your simp_given function looks like, but
> (%i27) ctsp(expr,x,c) := limit(expr, x, c, plus) - limit(expr, x, c,
> minus);
> (%o27) ctsp(expr, x, c) := limit(expr, x, c, plus) - limit(expr, x, c,
> minus)
> (%i28) ctsp(x^2*signum(x-4), x, c);
> 2 2
> (%o28) limit x signum(x - 4) - limit x signum(x - 4)
> x -> c+ x -> c-
> However, of course:
> (%i29) ctsp(u^2*signum(u-4), x, c);
> (%o29) 0
> Could you have a problem with what the dummy variable is or something?"
> I forgot to say kill(all). pw.mac was loaded, it changes the answer for
> some reason. If I start with kill(all) then I get what you get. I don't
> know why, maybe because of diff and integrate being modified by pw.mac or
> abs_integrate.mac. Does limit ever call integrate or diff? Either way
> this method does not work.
> Rich
> PS
> simp_given(e, [fcts]) ::= buildq([e,fcts], block([_ans],
> unwind_protect((_ans:apply(**assume, fcts), expand(e,0,0)),
> apply(forget,_ans))));
> ______________________________**_________________
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