
04.06.2012 18:15, Rupert Swarbrick ?????:
> In particular, I was on a
> sailing boat yesterday and have just got home.

As a passenger, a sailor or captain?

> The mailing list software holds messages over a (configurable) size
> limit, even when they are from subscribed members. At the moment, that
> limit is 40kb. If people feel this is too low, we could increase it -
> maybe something like 200kb would make sense.
> Your attached image makes your message approximately 658kb though,
> because it's absolutely enormous (2487x2759 pixels). Even stored as a
> png, which can take advantage of the white space through run-length
> encoding, it still takes 450kb.
> Making the picture smaller results in an image which is still perfectly
> legible and, look!
> $ convert img001.jpg  -geometry 500x500 smaller.png; ls -lh smaller.png
> -rw-r--r-- 1 rupert rupert 36K Jun  4 16:14 smaller.png

I'm sorry, I did not know

> I'm not sure what you mean by:
>> By the way, why did you decide to use to communicate such a strange
>> way of a mailing list? Why is not the forum? It would be much easier.
> I can't see any way that using some painful web forum would
> fundamentally make any difference to the problem of making sure that
> spam only irritates one person (a moderator) rather than everyone
> looking at the list.

Benefits of forum:
1) each post with all the response messages in a single Web page
2) the search for a specific subject by keyword
3) you can type mathematical formulas, and they look decent (as 
implemented in Wikipedia)

> Also, it probably wouldn't work as well with gnus, gmane and leafnode.

I don't know.