Subject: ./configure options and speed of execution.
From: Dmitry Shkirmanov
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 14:04:26 +0400
Hello, list. By accident i found that maxima built from source with
default ./configure options works very slow in comparison with maxima
built with this(default archlinux configure options):
| ./configure--prefix=/usr--mandir=/usr/share/man--infodir=/usr/share/info \
For example, maxima built with default configure options needs about 20
seconds to run attached maple_V_N_test.wxm program. Maxima built with
default archlinux options takes about 3 seconds to run this
program.(Maple, needs 0.89 seconds to run this program(of course,
program must be accordingly changed) )
So question is: what is the best ./configure options for program
execution speed?
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