Not sure I understand why you need multiple context names for this. Can't
you use the same context name if you kill it when you're done?
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 3:21 AM, J?rome Laurens <
jerome.laurens at> wrote:
> Le 29 juin 2012 ? 00:52, Richard Fateman a ?crit :
> > While there are possible uses for contexts, are you sure you really need
> them?
> Well, it's impossible to say that it's impossible
> to do something different...
> but that gives me an efficient design
> > Or are you using contexts instead of simple bindings of variables?
> I have integrals like this
> \int_{x=...}^{...} \int_{t=f(x)}^{...} foo(t,x) dt dx
> But integrate tells me that it needs to know that f(x) is real
> so I assume that x has some properties to ensure that f(x) is real
> This assumption must be local to the computation of this integral
> because either the property has no global meaning or
> different integrals need different assumptions that are sometimes
> contradictory.
> So I create a context, switch to that context, make the assumptions, make
> the computations, restore the previous context and kill the created one.
> Of course I could perfectly use forget but that would be a nightmare
> because
> some assumptions needed for some integrals were already made in the
> initial context and
> must not be forgotten, whereas others must. That is too many lines of
> code...
> I use contexts are a scope for assumptions, they are a mean to distinguish
> variables of integration from other kinds of variables.
> And things are more complicated...
> J?r?me
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