load(draw) doesn't work

El mi?, 31-10-2012 a las 13:09 +0100, Jan Hendrik Mueller escribi?:
> Hi,
> it wasn't just me who had this problem, see: 
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.mathematics.maxima.general/38292/match=gnuplot+mouse+rotate+hermann
> My system (OSX 10.8 and maxima 5.28.0) requires first to start MANUALLY x11 BEFORE plotting via draw. That makes it work!
> This should be added to the "How to install" file. 
> Has any OSX user an idea how to automate the start of x11 with the plotting via draw?


If I'm not mistaken, plot?d makes use of the default gnuplot terminal,
but draw sets the default terminal depending on the operating system:

Linux -> set terminal x11
Windows -> set terminal windows

I don't remember the exact details, but I think the Maxima-Mac packager
changes by hand the default terminal to be

Mac -> set terminal aquaterm

That is, when you install Maxima in your computer, the default terminal
is aquaterm. If you need to plot on a x11 window, you have to set it
this way:

terminal = x11

Probably, you can also make use of

terminal = wxt

To avoid writing 'terminal = x11' every time you want to plot something,
you can write in your Maxima init file:


I've never used a Mac. I hope this diagnostic is correct.
