>>>>> "Jan" == Jan Hendrik Mueller <jan.mueller at math.uni-dortmund.de> writes:
Jan> Hi,
Jan> it wasn't just me who had this problem, see:
Jan> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.mathematics.maxima.general/38292/match=gnuplot+mouse+rotate+hermann
Jan> My system (OSX 10.8 and maxima 5.28.0) requires first to start MANUALLY x11 BEFORE plotting via draw. That makes it work!
Althought I haven't tried this on OSX 10.8, I'm pretty sure x11 is
supposed to automatically start whenever any X application starts.
I'm pretty sure from a standard Terminal app, I can just type xemacs
and bring up an X11 window without having to the X server before hand.
I'll try this later on 10.6 box and a 10.8 box when I get a chance.