extracting 'pieces' of vector element

On 2012-11-01, Barton Willis <willisb at unk.edu> wrote:

> The rhs of something that isn't an equation is 0;  the lhs of
> something that isn't an equation is itself.

Well, rhs/lhs were extended some time ago (you can blame me) to handle
other binary operators. Quoth le documentation:

     Returns the right-hand side (that is, the second argument) of the
     expression <expr>, when the operator of <expr> is one of the
     relational operators `< <= = # equal notequal >= >', one of the
     assignment operators `:= ::= : ::', or a user-defined binary infix
     operator, as declared by `infix'.

     When <expr> is an atom or its operator is something other than the
     ones listed above, `rhs' returns 0.


Robert Dodier