On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 12:29:51AM +0000, Leo Butler wrote:
> Try the following. I have just extended solve_in_domain to make each
> solution from %solve into a function, like you have done manually, then
> evaluate that function on a list of candidate integers bounded by imin &
> imax (default is 0 and 0; you can set them as arguments, see the last
> example below).
Hi Leo,
This is exactly what I wanted! thank you.
Is there any problem to set imin =-1000 and imax=1000 in the code and
then run this function? It appears it'll only output solutions within
the domain specified in square brackets. I suppose the only disadvantage
to this is additional processing time, so maybe I should choose more
sensible values.
> Note the code will barf on solutions that have more than one arbitrary
> parameter. I don't know how often that will arise for your problems.
Ok. In most cases it seems to be working really well, but I guess I'll
just need to keep doing questions and see where it might fail.
Anyway for the majority of cases it appears to work great, so it'll
definitely save me lots of time.
Thank you very much for this!