inline help for Maxima-packages

On 2012-11-07, Wolfgang Dautermann <dauti at> wrote:

> How can I omit the input and the result (false) in the following
> example?
> maxima --very-quiet --batch-string="tex('diff(x^2,x)=diff(x^2,x));"
>                               d    2          2
>                           tex(-- (x ) = diff(x , x))
>                               dx
> $${{d}\over{d\,x}}\,x^2=2\,x$$
>                                      false
> I want *only* the tex-output: $${{d}\over{d\,x}}\,x^2=2\,x$$ - nothing
> else.

There isn't any way to suppress the display of input and result. In the
realm of shameful hackery, you could try this: put the following

  (defun displa (x) (declare (ignore x)))

in your maxima-init.lisp file. Then neither input nor result will be
displayed. However, the effect on interactive sessions might be

Less shamefully, recall that tex takes an optional argument which
specifies a file or stream to which to write the TeX output. Just
write the TeX stuff to a file and forget about display flags.

If you are writing a system to replace Maxima's usual input/output
system, there have been several such projects, including some which
diplay TeX output. You might be able to reuse some of their code. What
are you working on?


Robert Dodier