Problem-Bug in Maxima

On 11/17/12 7:25 AM, Jerome Huck wrote:
> Hi Raymond.
> Thanks for the feedback. For me, the missing paranthesis in Maxima
> Android is a serious bug/problem. If you look at my hardcopies, you
> have, both on Windows and android the good answer, just the step before
> the last one with cosh( Ha*1). The last output from Windows Maxima is Ok
> with the cosh(Ha) but you do not have it on Android. For me it is a
> serious bug/problem because how can you make the difference between
> cosh(Ha Z) x and cosh(HA z x) if you do not have the parenthesis.
I think you're wrong here.  I didn't try it but cosh(Ha Z x) would be
displayed as "cosh(Ha Z x)" and NOT "cosh Ha Z x" which would be
ambiguous.  My issue with these kinds of typeset formulas is how to
interpret "Ha".  Is that a single variable named Ha or is it the product
of H and a?  The only difference is the amount of space bewteen Ha and H*a.

But maybe maxima on android uses the tex function to produce the
formulas.  If so, you might be able to change the function to include
parentheses in all cases.

> I just pick-up some math books, Green functions and boundaries elements,
> Hyperbolic finite differences, LaTeX manuals...people always write
> functions with parenthesis, i.e. cos(), sin()...
You're looking at different books from what I see. Randomly flipping
through A&S shows lots of uses of "sin x", not "sin(x)".  A random page
from Whittaker and Watson even has "cos nx", not cos(n*x).  Perhaps
these are "classic" books with classical mathematical typesetting?

> Maxima Android seems very sensitive with blank/space. This morning, I
> locked my Maxima Android with
> eq: 'diff(u,z,2)-Ha^2*u-Re*Px+K*Ha^2 = 0;
> sol : ode2(eq,u,z);
> instead of
> eq:'diff(u,z,2)-Ha^2*u-Re*Px+K*Ha^2 = 0;
> sol:ode2(eq,u,z);
> ...
> So, specialists of Maxima should try my example and say if it is a serious problem...
FWIW, that also hangs for me.
