Problem-Bug in Maxima

Hi Raymond.

Thanks for the feedback. For me, the missing paranthesis in Maxima
Android is a serious bug/problem. If you look at my hardcopies, you
have, both on Windows and android the good answer, just the step before
the last one with cosh( Ha*1). The last output from Windows Maxima is Ok
with the cosh(Ha) but you do not have it on Android. For me it is a
serious bug/problem because how can you make the difference between
cosh(Ha Z) x and cosh(HA z x) if you do not have the parenthesis.

I just pick-up some math books, Green functions and boundaries elements,
Hyperbolic finite differences, LaTeX manuals...people always write
functions with parenthesis, i.e. cos(), sin()...

Maxima Android seems very sensitive with blank/space. This morning, I
locked my Maxima Android with

eq: 'diff(u,z,2)-Ha^2*u-Re*Px+K*Ha^2 = 0;
sol : ode2(eq,u,z);

instead of

eq:'diff(u,z,2)-Ha^2*u-Re*Px+K*Ha^2 = 0;


So, specialists of Maxima should try my example and say if it is a serious problem...

Best regards.

Jerome Huck.

Le 17/11/2012 16:00, Raymond Toy a ?crit :
> On 11/17/12 12:57 AM, Jerome Huck wrote:
>> Thanks Raymond for the quick answer.
>> I run again the test this morning on my Pc and on my Nexus 7 with the
>> following code :
>> load(scifac);
>> eq: 'diff(u,z,2)-Ha^2*u-Re*Px+K*Ha^2 = 0;
>> sol : ode2(eq,u,z);
>> solution : bc2(sol,z=-1.0,u=0.0,z=1.0,u=0.0);
>> combine(solution);
>> gcfac(%);
>> subst(%i*z,z,%);
>> demoivre(%);
>> subst(z/%i,z,%);
>> expand(%);
>> subst(%i*Ha,Ha,%);
>> demoivre(%);
>> subst(Ha/%i,Ha,%);
>> final:factor(%);
>> You have hardcopies of PC and Nexus 7 outputs.
>> You can see haow the Nexus 7 seems to have the same good solution but
>> there is a problem with the parenthesis, the ones with the cosh function
>> and one seems to be missing for the numerator !!!
> I don't know how maxima on android works, but I think it's fairly
> typical in typeset math to leave off the parens for elementary
> functions.  That is, cos(x) is type set as "cos x", but cos(a*b) is "cos
> (a*b)".  I also see that the tex function does this too.
>> One other thing, I lock the Maxima version if I type for example
>> eq: 'diff(u,z,2)-Ha^2*u-Re*Px+K*Ha^2 = 0;
>> sol : ode2(eq,u,z);
>> instead of
>> eq:'diff(u,z,2)-Ha^2*u-Re*Px+K*Ha^2 = 0;
>> sol:ode2(eq,u,z);
> You mean the difference in spacing around ":"? I would guess that's a
> bug with maxima on android.
> Ray