Solving Diophantine equations

>  Perhaps you could implement Alpern's method for Maxima?

I hoped someone had already implemented it.

I don't really know much about Maxima programming.
Or how to write an output like "y = sqrt(3*x - 17), if x is a divisor of 
foobar and y is integer" there

And it is so long

> If you prefer to start from code rather than English, you could ask 
> Alpern for permission to translate his code. 

I tried to mail him about a missing case (a degenerated case where one 
variable is missing), but the mail bounced


On 12/08/2012 12:40 AM, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> It would certainly be nice to have Maxima solve specific families of 
> Diophantine equations, even if the general case is unsolvable. 
>  Perhaps you could implement Alpern's method for Maxima?  If you 
> prefer to start from code rather than English, you could ask Alpern 
> for permission to translate his code.
>           -s
> On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 4:24 PM, Benito van der Zander 
> <benito at <mailto:benito at>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     is there any way to get all solution of a  Diophantine equation
>     symbolically?
>     I.e. all solutions of Ax^2 + Bxy + Cy^2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0.
>     where x,y are unknown integers, and A,B,C,D,E,F are constant terms
>     (mostly numbers, even 0, but some might contain other variables)
>     There is an long, universal solution algorithm:
>     <>;
>     And you can solve them, by looking up the corresponding case
>     there, and putting the terms in the expressions given there,
>     but that is boring. And tedious.
>     Of course the solutions can become quite complex, like (di - E) /
>     B for any di \in divisors(DE - BF).
>     But Maxima could calculate DE - BF, and print it, or if it becomes
>     a term without other variables, even directly calculate the divisors.
>     (and that DE - BF is actually an easy case)
>     Benito
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