
On 12/10/2012 04:51 AM, Raymond Toy wrote:
> But still, unless the original coefficients are truly exact values, I
> don't see the point of computing the integral to 300+ digits.  Seems
> like it would be just random noise.
> Also, I think a little bit of analysis as done here goes a long way to
> simplify the problem.  You now have some insight into what the function
> looks like for various limits of integration.

Very interesting analysis. Thanks Ray. From what the user told us in 
another message it seems that those three parameters are some sort of 
cosmological constants so those quoted values must definitely have 
uncertainties; with your result he can now explore the differences as he 
changes parameters. For instance, the last parameter, .728, might 
actually be in the interval from .727 to .729.
By the way, what's the meaning of that third term  (0*(1+x)^2) ?
Could it be a typo in the original message?
