
>>>>> "vick" == vick  <vick1975 at orange.mu> writes:

    vick> I am trying to do so for two main reasons:

    vick> 1) This definite integral is a computation for the Hubble parameter. I use the 
    vick> Hubble parameter in a python code to calculate cosmological distances from a 
    vick> given redshift. In order to calculate the conditions when the universe was 
    vick> several seconds old, the redshift must be in the order of 1e+13 and above, up to 
    vick> 1e+43! However, even using such large redshift the conditions become negative or 
    vick> meaningless, if higher precision is not ordered. For me to get a meaningful or 
    vick> positive figure for such large redshifts, I need a minimum of 200 digits 
    vick> accuracy.

Assuming the analysis is correct, there's not much difference from
going from 1e13 to 1e43.  It just means s goes from very close to 1 to
even closer to 1. And no need for extra precision to get at least a
few digits correct, which is all that can be expected from your
approximate coefficients anyway.

Surely some bright physicists has done this same calculation!

    vick> The coefficients in the hubble parameter which are .0000812, .2719188, 0 and 
    vick> .728 are for the omega radiation, omega matter, omega curvature and omega lambda 
    vick> respectively. The omega curvature in the present scenario is 0 for a flat 
    vick> universe. Otherwise these figures can change depending on the models of the 
    vick> universe being used.

Fortunately, everything is still a quartic, so the same analysis will
