compiling Maxima 5.29.1 on Allegro Common Lisp, 16X speedup
Subject: compiling Maxima 5.29.1 on Allegro Common Lisp, 16X speedup
From: Richard Fateman
Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2013 17:32:29 -0800
The recipe I gave previously didn't seem to quit work, but I plowed on
and got it going.
1. download the source for Maxima.
2. start up allegro common lisp ALISP (ansi)
:cd to the directory maxima-5.29.1/src
3. type (asdf::load-system :maxima)
4. when it finishes compiling and loading everything,
(in-package :maxima)
Now not everything is set up. in particular, plotting, info. Also the
front end is just ascii,
not wxmaxima.
And also I changed the maxima-5.29.1/src/maxima.asd file to exclude
numerical module
.. line 114
(:module numerical
... because of compiler messages about f2cl-lib:integer4 unrecognized,
and stalling in
compiling j4save.lisp.
I did not dump out a ".dxl" binary file of maxima, but if I did so it
would make
the startup faster, instead of loading the files into a lisp. That takes
maybe 20 seconds.
There were a bunch of apparently harmless compiler warnings along the
way about variables
that were not accessed or assumed "special" because they were not bound
before use.
The nice thing about this recipe is that it uses just lisp. No perl,
make, config, gcc, m4, awk.
No makefiles, (except for maxima.asd).
why did I do this? I wanted to try out some functionality that runs in
Allegro but not
in GCL, but may run in SBCL or other "maintained" lisps. It requires
hash tables to allow
for something like this....
(setq *uniq-table*
(make-hash-table :size 10000 :test #'equal :weak-keys :tenurable
:values nil))
what this buys me is simplification speedups like this:
though actually that last line should be
?dosum('m(i),i,1,20000, t) $ to just do the summation most simply.
The standard Maxima on my system, compiled in Allegro takes 32 secs.
After changes, 2.06 seconds.
this is done by changing the simplifier.
Barton Willis and I fiddled with this in 2006 but as I recall we didn't
push it through for
2 reasons.
1. on some lisps and on small expressions, it was not faster.
2. there are some parts of the simplifier that we didn't get around to
that would have to be changed to be compatible.
Others, especially hot-shot lispers, are welcome to look at the code
(just ask..) and tune it etc.