compiling Maxima 5.29.1 on Allegro Common Lisp, 16X speedup
Subject: compiling Maxima 5.29.1 on Allegro Common Lisp, 16X speedup
From: Richard Fateman
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2013 08:29:11 -0800
On 1/13/2013 8:07 AM, Adam wrote:
> Thx for this recipe.
> Compiling Maxima is the time when one can allocate more memory.
> Can you describe it ?
There's lots of information on Allegro Common Lisp--- it is commercially
supported, though
I think that all you need is the trial version for Maxima. It is my
impression that you can
allocate more memory in Allegro at any time, not just when you start it up.
There is a function aclmalloc. This is described in the Franz Inc
documentation on garbage collection.
If you download a copy of the lisp you will have it in doc/gc.htm.
Presumably it is online somewhere too.
I think the free trial version is sufficient to run Maxima, though I
haven't figured out all the numerical module issues.