dot-like operators

mnctimes, mncexpt, etc. are wired into the code, so that if you copy the
properties of mnctimes and mncexpt onto say foo and foopow, then foo(a,b)
would give a.b (not foo(a,b)); on the other hand, foo(a , foopow(a, 2))
would not give foopow(a,3).

The quick and exceedingly dirty solution would probably be to copy all
files containing "mnc" and substituting "mnd" or something.  But that would
make for an ungodly mess.  For one thing, to do it right, you want all the
various properties (dotassoc, dotexptsimp, etc. etc.) to be per-operator,
not global.


On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at>wrote:

> On 2013-02-04, Leo Butler <l_butler at> wrote:
> > How can I create an operator with all the properties of "." ?  I don't
> > want to create an alias for ".", I want to create a twin (and more
> > than one).
> Well, to get started you could do copy the properties of "." to the new
> operator -- something like
>   :lisp (setf (symbol-plist '$foo) (copy-tree (symbol-plist 'mnctimes)))
> Doubtless there is some tinkering to do after that.
> I agree that's a useful and interesting thing to do -- too bad there
> isn't any way to do it (short of Lisp hacking).
> best
> Robert Dodier
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