On 2013-02-09, Aleksej Saushev <asau at inbox.ru> wrote:
> - support for indexing expressions in some way, say
> {\frac{\partial G} {\partial {n_k}}}_{n_{i\neq k}};
For the record, Maxima allows general expressions to be subscripted:
('diff (G (n [k]), n [k]))[n [i # k]];
I don't know what Maxima can do with such expressions ....
> - support for other indices, e.g. mu^{sol}, mu^{liq}, mu^{st};
Indices can often be superscripts, as in this example, as well as
subscripts and superscripts written before the indexed symbol. It would
be interesting to allow indices in any or all of four positions (sub /
super, before / after). An index written as a subscript after is handled
well by Maxima at present, and as a superscript after (although not as
well, as it should not be treated like an exponent). What are some
possible notations for indices written before? How about [sol]mu for
subscript before and [sol^]mu for subscript before? (Obviously we'll
have to convince the parser to go along with that.) How about mu[^sol]
for an index superscript after, to distinguish it from an exponent? If
someone likes some other notation better, by all means, let's hear
about it.
> - some auxilliary things like declaring functions homogeneous on a
> set of arguments
Yes, this is interesting too.
Robert Dodier