Errors in test suite

Hello again:

I just built the latest maxima from source and ran the test suite and I 
got some errors I wasn't expecting.

I used:
git clone git:// maxima-code

cd maxima-code
./configure --prefix=$HOME/maxima-test --enable-sbcl 
make install

xmaxima -l sbcl

run_testsuite(display_all = true);

Error summary:
Errors found in 
(109 111 113 115 117)
Error found in rtest_laplace, problem:
(error break)
5 tests failed out of 9,500 total tests.
Evaluation took:
   229.832 seconds of real time
   229.414337 seconds of total run time (227.174197 user, 2.240140 system)
   [ Run times consist of 6.692 seconds GC time, and 222.723 seconds 
non-GC time. ]
   99.82% CPU
   14,482 forms interpreted
   8,129 lambdas converted
   727,072,942,943 processor cycles
   28,939,590,768 bytes consed

(%o0)                                done

build_info ();
Maxima version: "5.28.0_314_g34d3945"
Maxima build date: "2013-02-24 11:33:36"
Host type: "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Lisp implementation type: "SBCL"
Lisp implementation version: "1.1.4"

My computer is a 64-bit system running Linux Mint 14 with KDE-4.9.4.

I built my SBCL from source using the binary of the same release and it 
seemed to build without problems.


Paul Bowyer