Errors in test suite

On 2013-02-24, Paul Bowyer <pbowyer at> wrote:

> I just built the latest maxima from source and ran the test suite and I 
> got some errors I wasn't expecting.
> I used:
> git clone git:// maxima-code

> Maxima version: "5.28.0_314_g34d3945"
> Maxima build date: "2013-02-24 11:33:36"
> Host type: "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
> Lisp implementation type: "SBCL"
> Lisp implementation version: "1.1.4"

Hmm. I see a couple of numerical errors but not the ones you see. I
notice that you seem to have something pulled from the 5.28 branch.
I don't know why Git gave you that instead of master (post-5.29 at this
point). Maybe you should try again w/ master?


Robert Dodier

PS. FTR here's what I get.

Error summary:
Errors found in
/home/robert/maxima/maxima-git/maxima-code/tests/rtest16.mac, problems:
(408 409)
2 tests failed out of 9,598 total tests.
Evaluation took:
  373.139 seconds of real time
  328.428526 seconds of total run time (324.216263 user, 4.212263
  [ Run times consist of 13.016 seconds GC time, and 315.413 seconds
non-GC time. ]
  88.02% CPU
  14,652 forms interpreted
  8,577 lambdas converted
  696,499,403,390 processor cycles
  159 page faults
  19,481,729,512 bytes consed
(%o0)                                done
build_info ();
Maxima version: "branch_5_29_base_89_g8177457_dirty"
Maxima build date: "2013-02-24 14:33:01"
Host type: "i686-pc-linux-gnu"
Lisp implementation type: "SBCL"
Lisp implementation version: "1.0.49"