I just did "git clone git:// master"
then I built it, installed it, and ran the test suite.
Error summary:
Errors found in
(109 111 113 115 117)
Error found in rtest_laplace, problem:
(error break)
5 tests failed out of 9,500 total tests.
Evaluation took:
233.324 seconds of real time
233.130570 seconds of total run time (231.178448 user, 1.952122 system)
[ Run times consist of 7.146 seconds GC time, and 225.985 seconds
non-GC time. ]
99.92% CPU
14,482 forms interpreted
8,129 lambdas converted
738,120,377,784 processor cycles
28,940,011,648 bytes consed
(%o0) done
It appears I got the exact same thing I got the first time.
Is my git incantation goofy? What do you use for a git incantation?
Paul Bowyer