Errors in test suite

>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Bowyer <pbowyer at> writes:

    Paul> On 02/25/2013 10:05 AM, Dan Gildea wrote:
    >> I think you had the latest source the first time.
    >> In current latest and greatest git master, I get
    >> % git describe
    >> 5.28.0-314-g34d3945
    Paul> This is the version of Maxima that I downloaded and built twice and it
    Paul> gave the same errors from the test suite both times on my 64-bit Linux
    Paul> Mint 14 computer with SBCL-1.1.4 which I complied from source.

    >> (I think because no one made a tag for 5.29,
    >> git finds 5.28.0 as the most recent tag on the trunk.)
    Paul> I couldn't find a tag for 5.29 and the only way I knew to look for
    Paul> branch-5.29 is I happened notice it on the sourceforge git webpage. It
    Paul> was only after I took another look at the git man pages that I was
    Paul> able to figure out that I needed to do a "git checkout branch-5_29" to
    Paul> get the current version  for building. Once I did that, everything

By "current version" do you mean the latest release or the latest
version?  branch-5.29 is the latest release code.  The branch master
is the latest version of maxima with the latest changes.  I think the
default when cloning a new repo is to be on the master branch.

git branch will list all branches; git tag -l will list all tags.
