The range of x and the range of the expression are reduced monotonically until the greatest fixed point is reached.
All functions take only real arguments & produce only real results. So sqrt(-3) is literally _undefined_: the domain of sqrt is [0,inf).
Let x,y range over (minf,inf). Then x*y ranges over (minf,inf), -x*y ranges over (minf,inf), 1-x*y ranges over (minf,inf).
sqrt(1-x*y) ranges over [0,inf). [sqrt(1-x*y) might blow up if sqrt's argument is negative, but sqrt will never return a negative number.]
When I get a floating point number x, I assume that it is irrational, and compute an upper & lower rational bound on x, so that x
is in (lower,upper). Thus, I allow for a certain amount of "fuzz" with floating point numbers.
This "fuzz" is required so that x is always in f^(-1)(f(x)) and y is always in f(f^(-1)(y)), for functions like exp, log, sqrt, etc.
My algorithm even produces _fractal_ ranges, e.g.,
x ranges over (minf,0)(0,1/2)(1/2,2/3)(2/3,3/4)(3/4,4/5)(4/5,5/6), etc.
i.e., the domain (minf,inf) has been punctured at 0,1/2,2/3,3/4,4/5,5/6,...
Obviously, this range cannot be represented with a finite number of atomic intervals.
It's not clear what to do about this, since we want to produce a fixed point, but perhaps not the least fixed point (which would mean solving the equation to produce x=1). Our algorithm is a particularly poor method for solving this equation!
At 04:23 PM 3/7/2013, Raymond Toy wrote:
>>>>>> "Henry" == Henry Baker <hbaker1 at> writes:
> Henry> Using my range analysis program:
> Henry> Given: sqrt(1-sqr(x))
> Henry> where sqr(x) is x^2, we conclude that the result is in the
> Henry> range [0,1], and x must be in the range [-1,1].
>So you're saying if we know that sqrt(1-sqr(x)) is in [0, 1], then x
>must be in [-1, 1]? That makes sense to me.
> Henry> Given: sqrt(1-x*x)
> Henry> we conclude that the result is in the range [0,inf), and x
> Henry> must be in the range (minf,inf). [Note that x*x is not the
> Henry> same as x^2, because x*x is a binary operation on two
> Henry> arguments that happen to be the same ranges, while x^2 is a
> Henry> unary operation on a single range.]
>This I don't understand. How can sqrt(1-x*x) be in the range [0,
>inf)? If x is in the range (minf, inf), then x*x is (minf, inf)
>(assuming the x's are different) and 1 - x*x is (minf, inf). The sqrt
>would then be some complex result union [0, inf). Is that what you mean?
> Henry> Given: (exp(x)+exp(-x))/2 = 3
> Henry> we conclude that x is in the range (-30/17, 30/17), which
> Henry> is pretty good, considering we don't know about acosh() !
>How do you derive that result?