Build system, take 2

>>>>> "Rupert" == Rupert Swarbrick <rswarbrick at> writes:

    Rupert> Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at> writes:
    >> Done.  Mostly works, except there's a typo in CMU_WRITE.  You have
    >> "$$(CMU_MAXIMA)".  That should have only one $.  (It creates
    >> maxima.core in the file named, literally, "$(CMU_MAXIMA)".

    Rupert> That's odd. I thought $$(FOO) did the delayed expansion thing in Make
    Rupert> (and I think I copied it from the existing Anyway, since
    Rupert> $(CMU_MAXIMA) apparently works, I'll switch it to that.

I don't think it needs to be delayed.  The value of CMU_MAXIMA is the
right one, I think.  I didn't test building a cmucl executable though.

    Rupert> Hmm. That would be a nice improvement, I agree. I might spend a bit of
    Rupert> time trying to get it working on GCL (if that's the painful one). I take
    Rupert> it that GCL is implementing CL's pathnames weirdly or something?

IIRC, it had to do with DIRECTORY.  It either had to do with directory
not marking subdirectories as such or not being able to get it to
descend into subdirectories.  When I looked at it, gcl was basically
running ls in subshell and reading in the data.  I tried to do this
myself, but couldn't get that to work either. :-(

The code was checked in at some point, so if you (or I) dig enough,
you can find the original implementation.
