gamma in the bigfloat package (was RE: equality testing in bigfloat package)

>>>>> "Barton" == Barton Willis <willisb at> writes:

    Barton> I needed an easy way to call gamma in the bigfloat package, so I defined
    Barton> (defun gamma (x)
    Barton> (bigfloat::to (maxima::take '(maxima::%gamma) (maxima::to x))))

    Barton> Oops--I was expecting a binary64 result, but I get a bigfloat?

Hmm.  Is this gcl?  I can't reproduce that with clisp or cmucl.
BIGFLOAT::TO is supposed to return a double if the arg is a double.
Can you trace what bigfloat::%to is doing?
