gamma in the bigfloat package (was RE: equality testing in bigfloat package)

>>>>> "Barton" == Barton Willis <willisb at> writes:

    >> Hmm.  Is this gcl?  I can't reproduce that with clisp or cmucl. BIGFLOAT::TO is supposed to return a double if the arg is a double.
    >> Can you trace what bigfloat::%to is doing?

    Barton> Yes, it was GCL. The bug seems somewhat inconsistent, but
    Barton> I can get the bug in CCL too. I'll keep trying to find a
    Barton> way to reproduce this result. Likely it's something flaky
    Barton> in my code.

Ok.  Can't get your example to fail in ccl either.  Feel free to send
me a reproducible test case (with ccl).  It shouldn't be too hard to
figure out.
