Calling Maxima $diff from java

On 2013-03-28, Rupert Swarbrick <rswarbrick at> wrote:

>   Once you've got hold of the $DIFF function, I'm also not sure that your
>   two "eval" lines are going to work. You see, you haven't told the
>   interpreter "I" to change the current package to MAXIMA. As such, I
>   think that
>      LispObject x = I.eval("'$x");
>   will work by first reading the string "'$x" to the lisp form
>     (QUOTE CL-USER::$X)
>   and then evaluating, to get the symbol CL-USER::$X. However, you want
>   the symbol MAXIMA::$X. Presumably the Interpreter object has a method to
>   change package?

Oh -- good point. Actually I suppose that the problem is more likely
that I.eval("'((%SIN) $X)") interns %SIN in CL-USER and therefore it's
not recognized by $DIFF as the Maxima function 'sin'. Just guessing, I
haven't investigated it.


Robert Dodier