Several Graphics Combined

Hi Mario;

Are polar coordinates supported in VTK yet?  I was playing with the VTK 
graphics program examples and they are very impressive but then I tried one 
of my own using polar() and it would not work.
(%i1) load(draw);
(%i2) draw_renderer:'vtk;
(%i11) draw2d(
nticks        = 300,
xrange        = [-15,15],
yrange        = [-15,15],
color         = blue,
polar(100/t,t,1,30*%pi) )$

draw: item gr2d(nticks = 300, xrange = [- 15, 15], yrange = [- 15, 15], 
color = blue, polar(100/t, t, 1, 30 %pi)) is not recognized
-- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);

Maybe I am doing something wrong.

Richard Hennessy

-----Original Message----- 
From: Mario Rodriguez
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 4:42 PM
To: Ben Blomberg
Cc: maxima at
Subject: Re: [Maxima] Several Graphics Combined

El vie, 29-03-2013 a las 14:54 -0500, Ben Blomberg escribi?:
> Hello All,
> I have several graphics and I would like to display and I
> was wondering if there is a nice way to display them all on one plot.
> So say I use plot2d to generate 3 separate plots, figure 1, figure 2
> and figure 3. is there a way I can generate these individually with
> the plot2d function then later in my code put them all on one plot
> together.

Multiplots are available in package draw:


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