El s?b, 30-03-2013 a las 01:03 -0400, Richard Hennessy escribi?:
> Hi Mario;
> Are polar coordinates supported in VTK yet? I was playing with the VTK
> graphics program examples and they are very impressive but then I tried one
> of my own using polar() and it would not work.
> (%i1) load(draw);
> (%i2) draw_renderer:'vtk;
> <snip>
> (%i11) draw2d(
> nticks = 300,
> xrange = [-15,15],
> yrange = [-15,15],
> color = blue,
> polar(100/t,t,1,30*%pi) )$
> draw: item gr2d(nticks = 300, xrange = [- 15, 15], yrange = [- 15, 15],
> color = blue, polar(100/t, t, 1, 30 %pi)) is not recognized
> -- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);
> Maybe I am doing something wrong.
> Richard Hennessy
2D graphics are not yet supported in Maxima+VTK. The main idea around
the Maxima-VTK interface is to fill the absence of a competent 3D
environment in Gnuplot.
But I do not discard the possibility of working in this direction in the
future. The great problem (as in 3D) is how to use the same syntax with
the two programs, Gnuplot and VTK. The draw syntax was designed with
Gnuplot in mind, and sometimes what is very easy to implement for the
first program, becomes a hard job to fit in the second.