maxima 5.30.0 error when starting

Hello, i compiled maxima on debian squeeze.
For building i am using pdebuild that is a standard tool for package 
building in debian.

I used the following options for the configure script:
--prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info 
--libexecdir=/usr/lib --enable-sbcl --with-default-lisp=sbcl

Building finished successfully.
But when running maxima i got an error(previous maxima version works 
fine with the options above):

$ maxima
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:

  Couldn't load "/usr/share/info/./maxima-index.lisp": file does not exist.

Automatically continuing.
To enable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.

debugger invoked on a SB-INT:SIMPLE-CONTROL-ERROR in thread #<THREAD 
"initial thread" RUNNING {10052AC521}>: attempt to THROW to a tag that 

Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:QUIT) to exit from SBCL.

restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
   0: [CONTINUE] Ignore runtime option --eval "(cl-user::run)".
   1: [ABORT   ] Skip rest of --eval and --load options.
   2:            Skip to toplevel READ/EVAL/PRINT loop.
   3: [QUIT    ] Quit SBCL (calling #'QUIT, killing the process).

("no debug information for frame")