Maxima fails to run on Mac/SBCL (was Re: help)

aberele at writes:
>> That's very odd. I'm not sure exactly what's going wrong: maybe you can
>> help us isolate the problem a little further?
>> Since you've got the sbcl version, could you try running something like
>> the following?
>>   sbcl --core /path/to/maxima.core --end-runtime-options --eval
>> '(cl-user::run)'
> When you said run, I assume you meant in Terminal.  I got an error message
> -bash:  sbcl:  command not found.
> Thank you for helping me.

Yep, I meant the terminal. But it seems that sbcl isn't in your
path. There are two things to check

  (1) There are actually two different ways to build Maxima with
      sbcl. One produces a file called maxima.core and the other
      produces a file just called maxima. Either file will be upwards of
      50mb. You'll need to check which version you've got.

 (2a) Assuming that it is a maxima.core, then you presumably do have sbcl
      installed somewhere. In that case, what you need to do is find out
      where it is and use its path in the command. Something like:

        /path/to/sbcl --core /different/path/to/maxima.core \
          --end-runtime-options --eval '(cl-user::run)'

 (2b) If not, you've actually got a file with a copy of sbcl embedded
      inside it, so you might well not have a separate sbcl installed at
      all. In that case, try

        /path/to/maxima --end-runtime-options --eval '(cl-user::run)'

      but make sure that you're pointing at the big file, not the shell

Let us know what you get?


PS: Please remember to CC the mailing list for this sort of thing: I'm
    not the only person that can help.
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