Subject: Maxima fails to run on Mac/SBCL (was Re: help)
From: aberele at
Date: Mon, 6 May 2013 13:24:36 -0500
> aberele at writes:
>>> That's very odd. I'm not sure exactly what's going wrong: maybe you can
>>> help us isolate the problem a little further?
>>> Since you've got the sbcl version, could you try running something like
>>> the following?
>>> sbcl --core /path/to/maxima.core --end-runtime-options --eval
>>> '(cl-user::run)'
>> When you said run, I assume you meant in Terminal. I got an error
>> message
>> -bash: sbcl: command not found.
>> Thank you for helping me.
> Yep, I meant the terminal. But it seems that sbcl isn't in your
> path. There are two things to check
> (1) There are actually two different ways to build Maxima with
> sbcl. One produces a file called maxima.core and the other
> produces a file just called maxima. Either file will be upwards of
> 50mb. You'll need to check which version you've got.
> (2a) Assuming that it is a maxima.core, then you presumably do have sbcl
> installed somewhere. In that case, what you need to do is find out
> where it is and use its path in the command. Something like:
> /path/to/sbcl --core /different/path/to/maxima.core \
> --end-runtime-options --eval '(cl-user::run)'
> (2b) If not, you've actually got a file with a copy of sbcl embedded
> inside it, so you might well not have a separate sbcl installed at
> all. In that case, try
> /path/to/maxima --end-runtime-options --eval '(cl-user::run)'
> but make sure that you're pointing at the big file, not the shell
> script.
both 2a and 2b return "No such file or directory"
> Let us know what you get?
> Rupert
> PS: Please remember to CC the mailing list for this sort of thing: I'm
> not the only person that can help.