defrule regression compare to version 5.29.1

On 2013-05-08, Valery Pipin <pip at> wrote:

> The error is induced by interference with format package which I called 
> in my program:

OK, it appears that share/contrib/format/format.lisp clobbers the FORMAT
property which is now used by src/nforma.lisp (since commit 4260be98).
I guess property name collisions are probable when there is widespread
use of properties and more are invented ....

Anyway I think the patch below solves the problem, until someone else
uses the same property name SHARE-FORMATTER. Can you try it?


Robert Dodier

diff --git a/share/contrib/format/format.lisp
index 64b667c..792fe8e 100644
--- a/share/contrib/format/format.lisp
+++ b/share/contrib/format/format.lisp
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 (defun parse-template (template)
   (let (op name formatter)
     (flet ((getform (symbol)
-            (and (setq formatter (or ($get symbol '$formatter)(get symbol 'formatter)))
+            (and (setq formatter (or ($get symbol '$formatter)(get symbol 'share-formatter)))
                  (setq name symbol))))
       (cond (($numberp template) nil)
            ((atom template) (values (getform template) formatter nil nil))
@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@
   (let* ((names (if (listp names) names (list names)))
         (fmtr (if (atom parms) parms
                   (make-symbol (concatenate 'string (string (car names))
-                                            (symbol-name '#:-formatter))))))
+                                            (symbol-name '#:-share-formatter))))))
        ,(unless (atom parms) `(defun ,fmtr ,parms , at body))
-       ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (name) `(setf (get ',name 'formatter) ',fmtr)) names))))
+       ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (name) `(setf (get ',name 'share-formatter) ',fmtr)) names))))
 ;;; Subtemplate aids.