You could try increasing the numer of terms by one starting at one.
I expect you will find the time increases roughly factorially.
Dennis J. Darland
student at
On Sunday, May 12, 2013 12:14:41 AM Dennis J. Darland wrote:
There is a big difference between 1 and 10 terms.
I typically use 30 using automatic numeric differentiation.
Check the sode link below.
Dennis J. Darland
student at
On Saturday, May 11, 2013 03:09:47 PM you wrote:
Your integral should return instantaneously. I don't know why an earlier correspondent
claimed that this would take a long time and lots of memory.
The fact that Maxima runs forever on this simply indicates that there is a bug. (Sorry!)
Here's a little more detail:
The correct answer is very simple. taylor(f(x),x,a,1) returns
f(a)+('at('diff(f(x),x,1),x = a))*(x-a)
f(a) is clearly independent of x, so integrate(f(a),x) =>x*f(a).
'at('diff(f(x),x,1),x = a) is /also/ independent of x -- x in this expression is a _dummy
variable_, so this expression means the same thing as 'at('diff(f(y),y,1),y = a). So
integrate('at('diff(f(x),x,1),x = a) *(x-a) should be 'at('diff(f(x),x,1),x = a) *(x^2/2-a*x).
Instead, Maxima is apparently getting into an infinite loop. This is a bug. The simplest way
I've found to elicit it is integrate(at(diff(f(x),x),x=3),x).
A simple workaround is to rename all the dummy variables. Here's a simple way to do that:
rename_dummies(expr) :=
subst(nounify(at) =
So now you can do
integrate( rename_dummies( taylor(f(x),x,a,1) ), x,a,a+h)
and get the correct answer instantaneously.
Bizarrely, Maxima is numbering gensyms starting at 34100, which makes the answer ugly,
but still correct.
I'm running Maxima 5.28 on GCL 2.6.8 on Windows
On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 2:30 PM, Thomas D. Dean <tomdean at[1]> wrote:
On 05/09/13 14:39, Dennis J. Darland wrote:
It might take a very long time, if you have enough memory![2]
Maxima at[3][4]
[1] mailto:tomdean at
[3] mailto:Maxima at