Integrating a Taylor series?

>>>>> "Dennis" == Dennis J Darland <student at> writes:

    Dennis> The complicated casse does ok.

    Dennis> The f(x) case hangs.

I don't think any one is disputing that the f(x) case hangs on your
system.  What would be interesting to see is if it still hangs when
you update your 5.24 version of maxima to something newer if possible.

Using (roughly) git HEAD,

(%i17) integrate(taylor(f(x),x,a,100),x)$
Evaluation took 0.0300 seconds (0.0300 elapsed) using 3.991 MB.
(%i18) integrate(taylor(f(x),x,a,500),x)$
Evaluation took 0.3100 seconds (0.2600 elapsed) using 22.794 MB.

(Running with cmucl on a pretty fast Linux box.)
