Regression in integration

Barton Willis <willisb at> writes:
> For  askequal,  here is a hastily written function
> (defun $askequal (a b)
>   (let ((answer (meqp a b)))
>     (setq answer
> 	  (cond ((eq answer t) '$yes)
> 		((eq answer nil) '$no)
> 		(t    
> 		 (retrieve `((mtext) "Is " ,a "equal to " ,b "?") nil))))
>     (cond ((eq answer '$no)
> 	   (assume (take '($notequal) a b))
> 	   answer)
> 	  ((eq answer '$yes)
> 	   (assume (take '($equal) a b))
> 	   answer)
> 	  (t  
> 	   (mtell "Please answer either yes or no.")
> 	   ($askequal a b))))) 

Just because this is still in my head: This behaves rather differently
From $asksign, since it doesn't remember what it's been told. I guess
you also want a call to tdzero or tdpn with the difference between the
two terms?

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