Regression in integration

The integrate property on  mexpt needs work:

(1) The code following  ;; integrate(a^b,b); is unreachable. Presumably the integral property on mexpt is
     only called on the function x --> x^n (and never on x --> a^x).

(2) The freeof check is silly---the code assumes that an expression is real valued if it is  free of %i.

Instead of asksign, an askequal would be more appropriate.  But there is no askequal function.

Of course Maxima could return a split rule function instead of using asksign (or askequal).  There are (good)
arguments for and against that.

For  askequal,  here is a hastily written function

(defun $askequal (a b)
  (let ((answer (meqp a b)))
    (setq answer
	  (cond ((eq answer t) '$yes)
		((eq answer nil) '$no)
		 (retrieve `((mtext) "Is " ,a "equal to " ,b "?") nil))))
    (cond ((eq answer '$no)
	   (assume (take '($notequal) a b))
	  ((eq answer '$yes)
	   (assume (take '($equal) a b))
	   (mtell "Please answer either yes or no.")
	   ($askequal a b))))) 
;; integrate(x^n,x) = if n # -1 then x^(n+1)/(n+1) else logmabs(x)

(defun integrate-mexpt (x n)
  (cond ((eq t (mnqp n -1))
	 (setq n (add n 1))
	 (div (power x n) n))
	((eq t (meqp n -1))
	 (logmabs x)) ; that's log(abs(x)) when logabs is true, and log(x) otherwise.
	 ($askequal n -1)
	 (integrate-mexpt x n)))) ; is this too risky (infinite loop?)

(putprop 'mexpt `((x n) ,(lambda (x n) (integrate-mexpt x n))) 'integral)


;; Integral of a^b == ((mexpt) a b)
(putprop 'mexpt
  `((a b)
  ,(lambda (a b)
      ((or (equal b -1)
	   (and (not (mnump b))
		(freeof '$%i b)
		(eq (asksign (power (add b 1) 2)) '$zero)))
         (logmabs a))
       '((mtimes) ((mexpt) a ((mplus) b 1)) ((mexpt) ((mplus) b 1) -1)))))
  ;; integrate(a^b,b);
  ((mtimes) ((mexpt) a b) ((mexpt) ((%log) a) -1)))
