Regression in integration

Barton Willis <willisb at> writes:
> Rupert,
> I tried the tdzero / tdpn route.  Are you sure the tdpn mechanism works? I get an infinite loop with
>  integrate(a^(p*x) * b^(q*x) * c^(r*x),x).
> OK:
> (%i2) integrate(a^(p*x) * b^(q*x),x);
> Is log(b)*q/(log(a)*p) equal to -1?
> no;
> No OK:
> (%o2) (a^(p*x))^(log(b)*q/(log(a)*p)+1)/(log(a)*p*(log(b)*q/(log(a)*p)+1))
> (%i3) integrate(a^(p*x) * b^(q*x) * c^(r*x),x);
> Is log(c)*r/(log(a)*p)+log(b)*q/(log(a)*p) equal to -1?
> no;
> Is log(c)*r/(log(a)*p)+log(b)*q/(log(a)*p) equal to -1?
> no;
> Is log(c)*r/(log(a)*p)+log(b)*q/(log(a)*p) equal to -1?
> no;
> /* Give up and answer yes: */
> Is log(c)*r/(log(a)*p)+log(b)*q/(log(a)*p) equal to -1?
> yes;
> (%o3) x

Hmm. I confess that I didn't actually try it out. It's a bit confusing
though since, looking at the code for meqp, I would expect to end up at
the call to dcompare at the bottom (and then meqp would hopefully return
nil when it got $pn back out).

I don't have time to look at it now, but maybe try tracing dcompare to
see what's going on?

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