After fixing my code, it runs the testsuite OK with just a few problems. In rtest_integrate, seven integrals differ in
(I think) insignificant ways to the expected, and the assumptions for two integrals would need need to be changed to allow
the testsuite to run--the assumption changes are due to weaknesses in sign.
I know that asksign isn't loved by all. Nevertheless if there is support for the askequal & related change to the
integrate defprop for mexpt, let me know.
(defun $askequal (a b)
(let ((answer (meqp a b))) ; presumably handles mbags and extended reals.
(setq answer
(cond ((eq answer t) '$yes)
((eq answer nil) '$no)
(t (retrieve `((mtext) "Is " ,a " equal to " ,b "?") nil))))
(cond ((eq answer '$no)
(tdpn (sub b a))
((eq answer '$yes)
(tdzero (sub a b))
(mtell "Please answer either yes or no.")
($askequal a b)))))
;; integrate(x^n,x) = if n # -1 then x^(n+1)/(n+1) else logmabs(x).
(defun integrate-mexpt (x n)
(setq n-is-minus-one ($askequal n -1))
(cond ((eq '$yes n-is-minus-one)
(logmabs x)) ; that's log(abs(x)) when logabs is true, and log(x) otherwise.
(setq n (add n 1))
(div (take '(mexpt) x n) n))))
(putprop 'mexpt `((x n) ,(lambda (x n) (integrate-mexpt x n))) 'integral)