latex output

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   Im tying to render some output from maxima, and i found some libraries i
   was using to convert  the ascii to mathml   inadequte, is there some maxima
   "trick " to always get replies in latex?
   i'v seen some user interface tips [1] that already made it easy to get this
   far, so im throwing this question hoping there might be a way to do it
   thats not too hard.

Yes, there is a hook in displa to run alternative 1d printers. Here is
an example of what you might do

(%i1) :lisp (setf *alt-display1d* (lambda(x) (format t "~a~%" (mfuncall #'$tex1 x))))

(%i1) display2d:false$

(%i2) solve(x^2+x+1,x);
\mbox{\tt\red({\it \%o_2}) \black}\left[ x=-{{\sqrt{3}\,i+1}\over{2}} , x={{\sqrt{3}\,i-1}\over{2}} \right]

Of course, the output is in tex, not latex.
