latex output

On 06/06/2013 09:42 AM, jiun bookworm wrote:
> Im tying to render some output from maxima, and i found some libraries i
> was using to convert  the ascii to mathml   inadequte, is there some
> maxima "trick " to always get replies in latex?
> i'v seen some user interface tips [1] that already made it easy to get
> this far, so im throwing this question hoping there might be a way to do
> it thats not too hard.
> [1]

(%i1) expand((a+b)^2);
                                  2            2
(%o1)                           b  + 2 a b + a
(%i2) tex(%o1);
$$b^2+2\,a\,b+a^2\leqno{\tt (\%o1)}$$